Questions to ask the hiring recruiter during a job interview
Here is a nice fun fact, recruiters really care about the questions you ask in an interview. Why? Because it shows your interest, your curiosity, your engagement and your preparation for the interview.
Not sure which questions to ask? 😫
Don’t worry, we have provided 23 interview questions you can ask the recruiter during your job interview. 💪
The questions are divided in three categories, (role, company & culture), to help you nail the interview. 💡
Job Role
Job Role 🌟
Questions to ask about the job role in an interview
Asking questions about the role will help you determine whether or not this role is the right one for you.
How does this role fit into the company?
Can you describe a typical work day, or week, for this role?
What are the major challenges faced in this role?
What immediate projects or tasks would I be working on?
What does the training period for this role look like?
What does the career path for someone in this role look like?
How will my performance be measured?
What are the characteristics of someone who would succeed in this role?
What’s the most important thing I could do to help within the first 90 days of employment?
Company 🤩
Questions to ask about the company during your job interview
Asking questions about the company shows that you are genuinely interested in the company and industry. It’s also a great way to understand the company’s goals and compare them with your own.
What do you like best about working here?
Why did you decide to work for this company?
Is there anything you can tell me about your new products or growth plans?
Where do you see this company in the next few years?
What are the current company goals and how would you say this role/team, (the team of the role you are applying to), works to support hitting those goals?
What are the major challenges this company faces?
What challenges has the company faced in the last few years?
What updates or changes or innovations in the industry are you most excited about?
Who do you see as your biggest competitor and why?
Culture 🖤
Questions to ask about the company culture during your job interview
Asking questions about the company culture is a great opportunity to learn if the company culture is in alignment with the culture you’re seeking.
How would you describe the company culture?
What are the most important values of your company?
Do you have any examples of company events?
How would you describe the office environment?
Do you have or offer any employee resource groups?